CPB Webinar

General details


Chair of the Webinar: Gudrun Kunst (Chair of EACTA CPB Subspecialty Committee), King’s College, London, UK

Scientific Moderators:
Gudrun Kunst, King’s College, London, UK
Alexander Wahba, Trondheim, Norway
Vladimir Lomivorotov, Novosibirsk, Russia

  • Checklists for weaning off CPB – perspective from the perfusionist - Luc Puis, Brussels, Belgium
  • Haemodynamic and other Monitoring during weaning off CPB - Florian Falter, Papworth, UK
  • Inotropes and weaning off CPB - Gianluca Paternoster, Potenza, Italy
  • Weaning off CPB and the role of Echocardiography - Blanca Martinez, Treviso, Italy
  • Failing to come off CPB – what next? - Monaco Fabrizio, Milano, Italy
  • Wrap up and lessons learned - Gudrun Kunst, London, UK


Date: 30 Mar 2020
Start: 17h00
Venue: @home