
The association is composed of active members, student members and associate members. Each membership shall be for one year starting from 1 January and ending on 31 December of that year.

For members who are already registered on the website, but like to renew their membership:
you don't need to complete a new form. Since we have your coordinates from the previous year, it is enough to complete a payment. This way we don't have double registrations and you are sure to keep your privileges as a member. 

You will not only benefit from free entrance to the educational evenings but also from a free registration for the biennial BelSECT symposium, free subscription to the BelSECT newsletter, a privileged contact with the BelSECT and her members and much more.

Active membership

An 'Active member' shall be any perfusionist active in the practice of extracorporeal circulation technology. Their membership needs to be approved by the board of the BelSECT association by majority of votes. The number of active members is unlimited but must be at least three. The rights and obligations of the active members are fixed by the Belgian law and the statutes of our association. An active member shall be entitled to vote on all issues submitted to him for vote by the Board during each general assembly of the BelSECT association and shall be eligible for election to office. Active members shall pay a yearly membership fee of 50 euro as prescribed by the statutes of the BelSECT association.

Student membership

A 'Student member' shall be a member enrolled in an accredited program of perfusion education. Student members shall have voice but no vote and shall not be eligible for election to office. Students shall pay a yearly membership fee equal to 50% of the normal active membership fee, respectively 25 euro, as prescribed by the statutes of the BelSECT association.

Associate membership

An 'Associate member' shall be a member who is involved with the clinical practice of extracorporeal technology but is not a perfusionist and has no commercial purposes; or has an interest in either the Belgian society of extracorporeal technology, but who does not meet the stated criteria for any other membership category. Associate members have no voice nor vote during each general assembly and shall not be eligible for election to office. Associate members shall pay a yearly membership fee of 40 euro.

You can activate your membership by completing the registration process on our website (registration only for new members!).