Our Organisation

BelSECT, entirerly volunteer-driven, consists of the board and five committees.
Each committee is headed by a coordinator.
Within their defined areas, the committees give a substantially contribution to our organisation.

0 resultaten
Korneel Vandewiele

Clinical Perfusionist UZ Gent

Ghislain Heoutchou

Vice Chairman
Clinical Perfusionist CHU Saint- Pierre

Frederik Gaublomme

Secretary (Nl)
Clinical Perfusionist UZ Leuven

Martial Gillet

Secretary (Fr)
Clinical Perfusionist CHU DInant-Godinne UCL Namur

Mathieu Vandecandelaere

Clinical Perfusionist UZ Gent

Karlien Degezelle

Board member
Clinical Perfusionist UZ Leuven

Bert Frederix

Board member
Clinical Perfusionist Imelda Bonheiden


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